Friday, November 25


your obsession with tears will be the death of me my love. for i am comfort as best as i could be. come sleep in my arms and let your tears tell the stories that you have mashed up in your saturated mind. i am there my love, watch the candles flicker as i walk past your aura to settle in a corner, studying your omnipresent emotions. be my comfort as you hum a familiar tune that will prove serenity true to me. why do you deny me the walk down the road you so often visit?

why do you so selfishly suffer alone? let me slit my wrists for my blood to be the stream that you will float upon to liberate you of your worst nightmares. drift through the black night that will drown you fears and let it be known that i mean for only you to live through this life i have created. all i ask for is those hands that caressed me to the deep slumber i awoke from. those hands that touched my skin in my times of needs and acceptance. those hands that were damp from my tears that dropped from my deepest depths of misery. but you have hurt those hands and the blisters are from the vengeance of many. No my love. leave thy hands to heal. for thou shall not damage that which is my only hope of transcending this societal hell that is post modernity. No my love. Not now. Not ever.

why would you bring this confused state upon me? the little pleasures that prolonged the timeline in which we endured less and less of them as we progressed towards the future that was always bleak. sharing similarities with our thoughts and thoughts about similarities between the parallel lines that resembled us. why now my love? do you leave to relieve me of my pain, or yours? do you leave to make certain the views of the faceless that we would not be? do you leave to make certain the lies and deceit i feared when you were material? no i cannot forgive you. the roses that i planted so meticulously to grow to the contours of your countenance now wither away without your sustenance. you have killed my roses that bloomed only on my command to your walking past my area of rest. now they rest forever, not able to give off the velvet scent that filled my sanctuary. the luscious petals have fallen to the ground lifeless.

you have failed me. so miserably.

the void i turn to when i am alone, told me the truth.

you have failed me, because i have failed you.

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