Sunday, October 7

You, then i.

There she is
i saw you in reflections of a confession
There she is again
i saw you in retractions of a revelation

Endorphin's are magic

I dream in escapsims
wrought with peril and assumptions
aged she is in her time
cry over ripples will you
so then,

so i.

Inanimate and bursts with epiphany
strings vibrate and calm
silence is met with red eyes
i am he, and you


Peel away the veil
caress with conviction and callousness
you then cease to exist
make it simple, easy.

Vermillion sufferings, i suffer.

With and without thought
i wish and you wish
misty fields of trees and wind
this frost is not enough,
in solace.

You then i, in place of we.

1 comment:

Miao 妙 said...

This poem has a fantastic rhythm.