Sunday, October 7

Walkways and trees.

Red leaves and dandelion seeds
walkways of gravel and rust
swaying water and floating boats
the tree bark rough but serene
in essence of,

i live.

Moments are undeniable
facing forward friendly flowers
touch them. petals are plush.
more i say. more. much more.

you wait for me.

Melancholic milieu
monotone miasma
multitude of mirage's
made in malevolence
makeshift form,

sometimes, dreams take.

the sky in cyan
this disposition is permanent
as whispers in silence

you think it to be. In several.

bloody wind, she thinks.
O princess, thy will is thy wish
grass is soft again
daydream falters yet again

a state of mind.

When it is nullified.


Paula Mendoza-Hanna said...
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Miao 妙 said...

My mum is fine.

Thank you. I mean it.