Tuesday, March 1

Secret garden.

creeping into the vision
its smell repugnant and vile
scanning the palace for its source
draining the energy and electricity

it's no surprise though

yet people are oblivious to the obvious
it's feeding on your contempt and your ignorance
enlarge your eyelids and look, for a change
release your hate and embrace reality
play no more on your naivety
don't expect
it doesn't happen anymore

your body is a secret garden
and there is only one rose

its stalk encompassed in thorns
remember why the thorns are present
it will only prick a passer bys hand only if you protect it
its picking beckoned only, by the one
it's enticing to let the fragrance influence

take note
fragrance doesn't last forever

let it wither and pass on naturally
cast it in stone do not
for it will destroy the remaining humanity within you
let the innocence of a newborn renew you
let it remind you of the inner sanctum that resides in you
the chapel of infinite beauty

the only place with limitless space but confined by emotions
control them, and you would have taken the first step into the establishment
the only place where you, and only you, are allowed to enter
the only place where you, is imminent and inevitable
the only place where you, are both god and belzebub
the only place where you, can be you, and that will always be perfect

you, are the heart and soul
the garden is guided by your good deeds and your sins
nurture it, and it will prove to be your sustenance

love. you.

1 comment:

raj. said...

much obliged.