Sunday, February 4


Why this war in your chest?

i cannot tell you why. for she passed my lips with a glance and then teased me to follow with her trailing scent lingering in the air that seemed to freeze in time. the mysterious me, where still water that ran so deep i drowned myself into oblivion and hid my being completely from detection and yet, with a wisp of grace she has churned waves in undisturbed peace.

Why the rain in your head?

i cannot tell you why. for how best can i describe, even with my sleepless mind, the demure beauty she effortlessly overflowed with. these eyes have seen her and the temptation in her aura, refusing to accept the deception present in this persona. and now, only dreaming of wallowing amidst her hair, the lake of salvation i have created.

Why this weakness for her?

i cannot tell you why. because this is not weakness.

just a thirst.

an indefatigable thirst.

though it can be quenched yet.

how, you might ask.

i will drink from her lips.


Sphinx said...

Where've you been? You must be busy... almost 2 months since you last posted! lol Hope all is well.

Miao 妙 said...

I have tried sending messages to you but my phone has failed me every single time. Anyway, how are you?