Friday, April 29

She pleads.

running my hand down her face
i attempt to peel away the desolation
i attempt to free the acrimonium
i attempt to solve the pandemonium

She pleads. you only attempt.

i watch her waste away
her lashes fall into the ashes
the devil is offered carte blanche
sifting through the evanescence of time

death. death. death.
like a prayer she utters under her breath
the angel covenant cries heresy
god denies her acquiescence

the caustic metal corrodes her skin
it cuts her veins mercilessly
severing the message intended
the slits gushing life continously

her tryst with the prayer is over
her beloved desire has been ensconced
lucifier attains the damaged soul
He watches on, unable to reply to the prayer

i am pleading while she is bleeding.

He is still unable, while she, i still cradle.


Anonymous said...

Nice piece.

You should check out my brother's writings. I believe he's better than I am.

Have a good day.

raj. said...

step into thy creation of consequence, Sharlene. you gave birth to this afterlife. blame thee i shall not. scaling the walls of redemption. vengeance is a luxury you provoke.